
Strike is the name of Scale’s directory watching capability. A Strike process monitors a given directory on a Network File System (NFS) for new files and ingests those files into a Scale workspace if they meet certain criteria. When a new Strike process is created, a new job is created and executed to run the new process. A Strike process contains configuration specifying the details of the NFS directory to monitor and how to ingest and store the files that appear in the directory.

Example Strike configuration:

   "version": "1.0",
   "mount": "host:/my/path",
   "transfer_suffix": "_tmp",
   "files_to_ingest": [
           "filename_regex": ".*h5",
           "data_types": [],
           "workspace_path": "/wrksp/path",
           "workspace_name": "rs"

The mount field specifies the NFS host and path that should be mounted in order to access the directory to be monitored. The transfer_suffix field defines a suffix that is used on the file names to indicate that they are still transferring and have not yet finished being copied into the monitored directory. The files_to_ingest value is a list detailing the different files to ingest and how to ingest them. The filename_regex field defines a regular expression to check against the names of newly copied files. If the expression matches a newly copied file name in the directory, that file is ingested according to the other fields in the JSON object. The data_types field is list of strings. Any file that matches the corresponding regular expression will have the data type strings “tagged” with the file. The data type tags are used to categorize files and control which jobs and recipes they go to. The workspace_path specifies a relative path within the workspace where each file will be stored. Three additional and dynamically named directories, for the current year, month, and day, will be appended to the workspace_path value automatically by the Scale system when a file is ingested (i.e. workspace_path/YYYY/MM/DD). The workspace_name field is the system name of the unique workspace that should ingest the file. To see all of the options for a Strike process’s configuration, please refer to the Strike Configuration Specification below.

Strike Configuration Specification Version 1.0

A valid Strike configuration is a JSON document with the following structure:

   "version": "1.0",
   "mount": STRING,
   "transfer_suffix": STRING,
   "files_to_ingest": [
           "filename_regex": STRING,
           "data_types": [
           "workspace_path": STRING,
           "workspace_name": STRING

version: JSON string

The version is an optional string value that defines the version of the configuration used. This allows updates to be made to the specification while maintaining backwards compatibility by allowing Scale to recognize an older version and convert it to the current version. The default value for version if it is not included is the latest version, which is currently 1.0. It is recommended, though not required, that you include the version so that future changes to the specification will still accept your Strike configuration.

mount: JSON string

The mount field is a required string that specifies the NFS host and path that should be mounted in order to access the monitored directory (format is host:/file/path).

transfer_suffix: JSON string

The transfer_suffix field is a required string that defines a suffix that is used on the file names (by the system or process that is transferring files into the directory) to indicate that the files are still transferring and have not yet finished being copied into the monitored directory.

files_to_ingest: JSON array

The files_to_ingest field is a list of JSON objects that define the rules for which files to ingest and how to ingest them. The array must contain at least one item. Each JSON object has the following fields:

filename_regex: JSON string

The filename_regex field is a required string that defines a regular expression to check against the names of newly copied files. When a new file is copied in the monitored directory, each expression is checked against the file name in order of the files_to_ingest array. If an expression matches a newly copied file name in the directory, that file is ingested according to the other fields in the JSON object and all subsequent rules/expressions in the list are ignored.

data_types: JSON array

The data_types field is an optional list of strings. Any file that matches the corresponding file name regular expression will have these data type strings “tagged” with the file. If not provided, data_types defaults to an empty array.

workspace_path: JSON string

The workspace_path field is a required string that specifies a relative path within the workspace where each file will be stored. Three additional and dynamically named directories, for the current year, month, and day, will be appended to the workspace_path value automatically by the Scale system when a file is ingested (i.e. workspace_path/YYYY/MM/DD).

workspace_name: JSON string

The workspace_name field is required and contains the unique system name of the workspace that should store each file that matches the corresponding file name regular expression.